Dialog- and Innovation-Platform DIGILAB Initiated by Senator for Economy, Labor and Ports of Bremen, and funded by the Metropolitan Region Nordwest, the dialog and innovation-platform DIGILAB is supporting SMEs of the regional business clusters and their employees using innovative-, technology and prototyping-workshops called “Neuwerk” to better adapt to the current digital transformation.
In the open innovative- and technology workshops different lectures and institutions present and discuss forms of new work and different technologies.
In our prototyping-workshops companies have the opportunity to shape their concrete new work challenges as realistic solutions and prototypes. In a 2-3 days workshop, they will be guided through the user-centric development process by different coaches and have access to creative resources. The prototype projects create space for innovative lighthouses and forms of experience-oriented employee trainings.
The prototyping-workshop program “Neuwerk” is focused currently only on new work. Find further coordinates under Hire.